Entrance fees

for the M-Bäder swimming pools and M-Saunas

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Entrance fees for the M-Bäder swimming pools and M-Saunas

At our M-Bäder swimming facilities you can work on your fitness, do sports, have fun with friends and family or find peace and relaxation. Our swimming pool areas with saunas and fitness studios have just the right offerings for every individual. Our price overview will help you to find the best tariff.

Admission fees

Prices indoor pools

1Explanation of the prices: See below

Bad Forstenrieder Park, Bad Giesing-Harlaching, Müller'sches Volksbad
Normal price: 5.80 € 
Discount group A1: 4.00 € 
"München Pass" holders1: 3.90 €
Family ticket1: 17.40 €
Discount group B (month)1: 53.00 € 
Cosimawellenbad, Nordbad, Michaelibad, Olympia-Schwimmhalle, Südbad
Normal price: 6.90 € 
Discount group A1: 4.60 € 
"München Pass" holders1: 4.20 €
Family ticket1: 20.70 €

Normal price: 10.50 € 
Discount group A1: 6.90 € 
"München Pass" holders1: 6.60 €
Family ticket1: 31.50 €


More details (in German)

Prices short and late swim *

1Explanation of the prices: See below

Bad Forstenrieder Park, Bad Giesing-Harlaching, Müller'sches Volksbad
Normal price: 4,30 € 
Discount group A1: 3,60 € 
Additional payment: 1,50 € **
Additional payment Discount group A1: 0,40 € **

Cosimawellenbad, Nordbad, Michaelibad, Olympia-Schwimmhalle, Südbad
Normal price: 5.00 € 
Discount group A1: 3.60 € 
Additional payment: 1.90 € **
Additional payment Discount group A1: 1.00 € **

Normal price: 6.50 € 
Discount group A1: 4.70 € 
Additional payment: 4.00 € **
Additional payment Discount group A1: 2.20 € **

* Short swim: valid from Monday to Saturday all day for a stay of 1.5 hours (also during the holidays, not on Sundays and public holidays); Late swim: valid on Sundays and public holidays, 1.5 hours before the regular end of operation

** Additional payment applies if 1.5 hours are exceeded.

Prices sauna (including pool entry)

Bad Forstenrieder Park (without Finnish sauna)
Normal price: 13.50 € 
Evening price: 8.00 € *

Cosimawellenbad, Michaelibad, Müller'sches Volksbad, Nordbad, Olympia-Schwimmhalle, Prinzregentenstadion, Südbad, Westbad 
Normal price (4 hours): 23.00 € 
Evening price: 17.50 € *
Additional payment: €5.50 **
Day ticket: €34.50
Quiet cabin: €5.50 ***

* Valid daily from 7.45 p.m.
** Applies to each additional hour started if the time is exceeded (up to the amount of the day ticket). From May 1st to August 31st there is no time limit!
*** Only in the Müller'sche Volksbad and Nordbad

More details (in German)

Explanation of the prices

Discount group A (with corresponding authorization card)
(only for single tickets and a swimming pool/sauna time of 4 hours)

  • Teenagers 6 - 14 years (until 15th birthday)
  • Severely disabled persons as from GdB 50 (50% degree of disability)
  • Retirees
  • Recipients of ongoing HLU or basic security in old age and with reduced earning capacity

Discount group B (with corresponding authorization card)

Valid in the indoor pools Bad Forstenrieder Park, Bad Giesing-Harlaching, Müller'sches Volksbad (without cleaning pool) and in all outdoor pools (does not apply to saunas and sweat baths).

  • Severely disabled persons as from GdB 50 (50% degree of disability)
  • Retirees
  • Recipients of ongoing HLU or basic security in old age and with reduced earning capacity

Family Card:
For a maximum of two adults with up to six children up to 14 years of age
(up to 15th birthday)

Children under 6 years (up to 6th birthday)
have free entry when accompanied by an adult (does not apply to saunas and steam baths).

Children under 8 years (up to 8th birthday)
may only enter the summer pool when accompanied by a parent or adult responsible for supervision.

Approved escorts for severely disabled persons (as from GdB 50, 50% degree of disability)
have free admission to all indoor and summer swimming pools, the cleaning pool as well as the saunas and sweat baths.

Please note:

  • Single tickets are only valid on the day of purchase.
  • Single tickets lose their validity when you leave the swimming pool.
  • If the ticket is lost, the fee will be increased.
  • No discounts for pupils or students.

Attractive savings with our M-Bäderkarte (discount card)

Loyalty rewarded.

Would you like to save time and money whenever you take a break from everyday life at the M-Bäder swimming pools and M-Saunas? Then go ahead and benefit from the advantages of our M-Bäderkarte (discount card)! Thanks to this handy card you will enjoy a 10 percent every time you pay us a visit.

And it’s this simple:
Top up your M-Bäderkarte at one of our cash desks with a minimum amount of 25 Euro. You can choose higher amounts in increments of 5 Euro. Regardless of the amount, your M-Bäderkarte provides you with a 10 percent discount.

With your M-Bäderkarte, the admission price to our M-Bäder swimming pools, M-Saunas or our ice rink at Prinzregentenstadion will be reduced by 10 percent. The corresponding amount is debited directly from your M-Bäderpass. Save time and money every time you pay us a visit.

Naturally, you will also receive a 10 percent discount if you use your M-Bäderkarte to buy tickets at the ticket offices or vending machines.


Do you have any questions about our M-Bäder offerings? Just give us a ring - we’d be glad to help you.

  • 0800 796 796 0 *

Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

* toll-free within Germany

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